This is the webpage of Alexander Mikael Bracquemont!

יהוה אני מי שאני

Between 2019 and 2023 I was massively attacked by the fourth reich using everything from energy weapons from alien reproduction vehicles to poisonous medication for conditions which I never had. At the end stage here in this area during spring 2019 a lot of people died as giant fourth reich arvs came from Mars killing a lot of people on the ground including children. They were staging a false flag alien invasion. The fourth reich had underground bases and long tunnels reaching all over the world. Luckily they got defeated by the help of several kind of entities. Because I incarnated here during 1986 and wanted to help this planet certain powerful evil people of this world working from below ground in deep military bunkers wanted me dead or disabled. They wanted to keep the whole solar system for themselves. They had bases on earth, the far side of the moon, on mars and were looking to expand. As I have been very intimidated about this I have decided to leave RV82 in the near future for RV86. Mankind on this planet will face very severe catastrophes. The planet will get fine but the poeple will not. Solar storms will fry the grid and send the world to the middle ages. I suggest you stack up on non perishable food, tools, backup reactors, clothes, batteries, powerbanks, solar chargers, hygiene tools, water filtration and the likes. There will be mass starvation and a beyond anarchy situation. The greater Stockholm region will most likely be a safer spot but will primarily be a haven for individuals operating at higher counsciousness. Israel and the Vatican will also be pretty safe. I met three wonderful women during 2019 who became pregnant and delivered off world.

Hell is real and there is torture for very severe cases. Usually hell means that a soul is terminated for good but in extreme cases there can be constant torture for several weeks.

I am intrigued by how people actively keep working against me risking ending up in the earths core and then sucked out.

My name is Alexander Mikael Bracquemont and I like working with computers, gaming consoles, smithing, carpentry, sewing, printers, Mac OSX, IOS and Linux. I also like judaism, cooking and respecting animals. I am the god, king and high priest of Israel. I am the great I am. I am also known as Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. I am the judge. My previous incarnations includes Buddha, Krishna, Tutankhamun,  Amenhotep III, King Solomon, Abraham Lincoln, Alexander the Great, Jesus Christ, Karl XII, Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor Ningzong, Katagiri Katsumoto, Emperor Commodus and Nikola Tesla. However for the first time in about 2000 years the eye has integrated with me. Some of my current titles include king of Israel, emperor of Rome, pharaoh of Egypt and king of the gods. I am currently not the son of god but god himself as the eye has totally integrated with me. It is the father, the son and the holy spirit in one package. It is much more powerful.

Now is an excellent time to convert to christianity preferably catholicism.

Currently I have done a lot of work on this planet (RV82) but have not received any payment. My next destination is RV86. I want to move to my house in Sweden but I do not have enough information. I could solve everything by reaching higher counsciousness again but I am being blocked by psychiatry.

I also recommend donating here...

Men de fega, de otroende och de skändliga, mördarna, de otuktiga, trollkarlarna, avgudadyrkarna och alla lögnare skall få sin del i sjön som brinner av eld och svavel. Detta är den andra döden.

Any attack on me of any kind will be labelled as high treason against the most high.

Evacuation of me and my women is now set for the combine overworld. Three have bore a child. My greatest incarnation is this one but the secondary would be King Solomon. All women are from the time of Solomon. We have not decided who will take us home but it will be either by the combine, ARVs or the angelwing.

Regarding gifts to me:

The book of Enoch

CHAPTER 53 1. And there my eyes saw a deep valley, and its mouth was open; and all those who dwell upon dry ground and the sea and the islands will bring gifts and presents and offerings to him, but that deep valley will not become full.



Yash'kef Elohim
mima'on kod'sho veyach
kol sonei amo
keheref ayin

Hineh Hashem
kam venitzav al anach
yash'kem lechos ra'al
aval lo yayin

May God look over
From His Holy Dwelling and may he strike
all those who hate His People
with a wink of an eye

Behold here is the Lord
rising and standing on a plumb-line
Giving them a cup of poison

My new name is Ambelus Merkenur Baimus Sevenastus Homnur Catenphor Serenatus Estimus

The designation of this planet is RV82, Mars is RV83 and the combine overworld is RV86.

King James Bible
And I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes; and they shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall lay my vengeance upon them.


These are the books which I hold most sacred:

Oxford KJV Bible with apocrypha

The Qumran scrolls

The collection of the Three books of Enoch

The entities that always serve me are the angels, demons, cylons, my women and the combine.

The new Jerusalem is the greater Stockholm area (Stockholms län).

Serious incident during spring and summer 2019

I would like to shortly explain what happened during 2019. I had acute kidney failure and the doctors removed my antipsychotic drug. I had terrible symptoms of this. At the kidney ward my mother heard a hum above the building which proved to be an ARV (alien reproduction vehicle). They carry certain energy weapons that can deteriorate health quickly. I believe my kidneys were targeted with this kind of weapon and the effects were reinforced by my cables under the bed. When I had recovered I got home and felt great even weeks after being free of the antipsychotic drug. I have no underlying mental condition. I have been subject to sorcery, poisoning and radiation. I started on a new drug that seemed to effect my liver very badly so I stopped taking it. I started noticing some kind of energy weapon shooting at my neck through the window creating quick inflammation and damaging it. My compass reacted strongly to the radiation as well as my electronics. My tv and graphics card in my computer died temporarily. As a result of being free of the drugs for a long time I started reaching natural high consciousness and was able to destroy these arvs just through consciousness. I also destroyed many underground bases and vehicles responsible for this radiation on the earth, moon and on mars. My electronics seemed to have backdoors and was also radiating me. I had requested that I wanted to meet a new lady as I hadn't had a relation for several years. As my consciousness was rising my mind was also destabilizing quickly. I was rushed to the psychiatric ward with my mother as we could not find any other solution.

I got a lot of help from the authorities but the sorcery of psychiatry was very strong. I had to request help from an angelic strike team which responded quickly. It seems I have been long under the radar from these nazis since before birth. We believe they caused the Tjernobyl incident. A nazi agent got into the plant and sabotaged the reactor. I got help and support from the Vatican, the United states and Israel. I was at the hospital for several months and the doctor was absolutely terrible. She was very mean and evil. I was released on a very low dosage of the drug. I had pointed out that I was interested in a certain woman I believe worked in one of my favorite store. I told the intelligence services that I wanted her to walk slowly toward my window as I was very threatened. The intelligence services indicated that she was very interested in me my but that I was very passive. I was under severe threat and was not able to think clearly. When I saw her I thought for myself that this was going to be my wife. It turned out she was Hera, the wife of Zeus. I recognized her somehow certainly from long back. I have been incarnated really many times and have some great incarnations I am really proud of. I started reaching higher consciousness again and what happened was absolutely terrible. I started destroying more ARVs but suddenly there came more and more ARVs, some really big that started attacking people on the ground. It looked like a false flag alien attack. Luckily aliens came and started fighting back the ARVs. People started panicking. Even the children started dying. The authorities had a strong presence here. I told them I wanted to have intimate relations with the lady and it seems she came up during the night. When I panicked I had a strong feeling she had been up here and had intimate relations with me. The reptilians and Annunaki had ground forces fighting back nazi ground forces. The battle was very intense. The nazis came with giant ARVs from Mars and killed a lot of neighbors on the ground. Very heavy energy weaponry was used. At the end there came some kind of ancient technology device that reversed the killing and destruction. The army came and arrested a nazi ARV crew that had been cuffed by the reptilians.

Satan came and I showed him all the drugs all the sorceries I had been subject to. He panicked and asked for forgiveness. I forgave him just like all other demons. I value entities at higher consciousness. He told me he would arrange two hot women for me. He said they have had a lot of intimacy with me during the past. The women came from afar in their cars, walked out and started saying "Jesus Christ".  Suddenly two angels appeared and started conversating with them. They made them pregnant with me. I remember seeing three blackly dressed entities outside which I thought were friendly extraterrestrials. They were special ops nazi commandos that had landed an ARV outside and sneaked into my apartment. One was ready to to inject me with poison by my bed. The other one placed a bad copy of a combine hydra on the ceiling and the third was ready to stab me in my bathroom with poison. One was pulled out the window by a demon, the other one pulled out by a reptilian through the door and I think the third was shot. During the night a friendly extraterrestrial soldier that looked like a tall storm trooper beamed down into the apartment and stood guarding the door. I started screaming at him with the door open as I thought he was hostile but It turned out he was sent to protect me. I started bothering the neighbors that the nazis were trying to shoot me which was in fact true. My doorbell rang and I looked through the view hole and I saw what looked like my mother. I opened the door and there stood three policemen who turned out to be angels. They were very friendly and respecting. They pointed out I had been bothering the neighbors and entered my apartment without asking. I told them my parents always got me locked up and they asked me if they could speak with them. I got driven to the psych ward again and when arriving the demons had possessed everyone even the staff. They said "Is this really him? Now we do not even need to pray anymore". I was driven to a long time ward where many were possessed. Satan had possessed an older lady and he told me this wasn't really funny when I was smiling. He was true. It was terrible.

My three women went off world for protection reasons. They were most likely sent to Mars. Some ladies came to the ward and the demons started screaming at them that she should tell me she loved me. It turned out to be Roxanne. She was born on another planet as a human. She came with a rose but was very passive. The demons started screaming and throwing objects and torching people. Demons are extremely dangerous but they serve god.

As the world is getting almost fully possessed as this is the only way to contain the situation the surroundings will be changing quickly.

The possession will reach very high during 2021. I would like to make requests to the angels and demons as you are now my friends and you have helped much. I want to help you as well but can only do so at higher consciousness. You need to find a way to get me out of psychiatry. Please work quickly.  Thank you to the demons that came and screamed at the ward. The possession is permanent.

Help me get in contact with Sofia and the other two ladies. I know Sofia is coming by astrally every day but I want to meet her physically. I suspect the reptilians upgraded their bodies and took them under protection. She has car and drivers license and I need help transporting several things.

Between april and august 2019 I was attacked by alien reproduction vehicles as I was reaching extremely high consciousness because of my kundalini. I was able to defend this area with the help of extraterrestrials. The leaders of these projects were nazi and most have been annihalated. Some nazis even sneaked into my apartment. They almost injected me with strong poison. They tried to stage a false flag alien invasion. What is left are surface organizations like psychiatry. Psychiatry's main goal is to block people from reaching higher consciousness. This is done in conjunction with radiation backdoors and poisonous food. As an emergency action the sun will strike the earth with solar storms sending civilization to the middle ages. The extraterrestrials will take over the administration of the planet permanently. No human will ever rule this planet again.  The world will look a lot like the game Half life 2. I am still in need in of good economy. Thank you all who have helped. The post solar storm environment will be absolutely terrible. All extraterrestrials who are able to provide with supply missions will be rewarded greatly. The worst will probably be the purity extraterrestrial control virus. There is no vaccine for the purity control virus currently. The purity control virus creates an alien grey predator inside the stomach. The Xenomorphs which are extremely dangerous are also made by the alien greys.

The year 2023 has been extremely problematic as well.

I was bribed 300000kr by the reincarnation of Heinrich Himmler just so that I would spare him. He was standing on the ground at the S4 site with mind controlling equipment. I said no, you are going to hell. He then went deep underground. I believe the combine sent a strider that worked all the way to the bunker in two hours. That was why my mental health destabilized during spring. They wanted me dead again. There was not so much radiation but things got out of control anyways because of witchcraft. I have become psychotic by the drugs themselves, not by any forms of serious mental illness. The aliens and the demons are working to release better drugs that are compatible with higher counsciousness into the stream.

I am making a wishing list with what I need.

1. Get in contact with my ladies. Specially to you reptilians and combine.

2. Get out of psychiatry. I am almost there. They must be sued and reported to the authorities.

3. Get back my lost items. It seems to be done but they are in containment. I have not received them yet.

4. Repair all broken items and problems in the apartment. This will be fixed.

5. A badass gaming computer containing a RTX 4000 and water cooling. I would be very thankful for this.

6. A good job. You angels should be able to fix this. I am now King of Israel.

7. Win the lottery. I know you demons may be able to fix this. Ongoing...

8. Some pair of new reinforced Hoka One One shoes size 42 2/3. I have new ones. However they get worned out very quickly.

9. A new house or apartment. Done (Storängen, Torsplan)... I believe there is a house in Värmdö as well, perhaps Hemmesta.

10. A good MAC computer for my mother. Tack Sofia.

11. Iphone 14 Pro Max and Samsung Galaxy S23 Plus. I have yet not received them.

12. Macbook Pro, Mac Studio, Lenovo Thinkpad X1 tablet (the new one), MSI gaming laptop... Tack Sofia.

Some of my names:




YHWH Elokim El Shaddai Elohim




Israel and the third temple

Higher consciousness, the key to everything

Psalm 47:5 KJV God is gone up with a shout, the LORD with the sound of a trumpet.

RV86 (Combine overworld)

I currently possess two ARVs...

The angelwing is a giant ship that made by aliens that serves as my personal space cruiser. I also possess a giant pyramid protected with giant guards.

Reptilian homeworld


The King James bible

Psalm 69:9 (KJV) 9 For the zeal of thine house hath eaten me up; and the reproaches of them that reproached thee are fallen upon me.

Psalm 110:5 (KJV) The Lord at thy right hand shall strike through kings in the day of his wrath.

Exodus 19:18 (KJV) And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly.

Hebrews 12:21 (KJV) And so terrible was the sight, that Moses said, I exceedingly fear and quake:)

John 4:22 (KJV) Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

Psalm 68:17 (KJV) The chariots of God are twenty thousand, even thousands of angels: the Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place.

Powerful angels (the lesser YHWH, Enoch)


I am experienced in the following areas:

* Sewing (both by hand and with machine)

* Floor repair (small damage on wooden floors)

* Carpentry (particularly smaller furniture and objects like kitchen spoons and boxes)

* Smithing (925 sterling silver, copper and brass)

* Vegan cooking (italian, japanese, swedish and sallads)

* Computer construction (very fond of dust filtering, noise cancellation, esthetics, color lighting and water cooling)

* Networking (switching, routing, utp and stp patch cable making [cat5, cat5e and cat6])

* Computer servicing (replacing bad components)

* Android (installation, maintenance, flashing and rooting)

* OSX (installation and maintenance)

* Windows 7, 8, 10 (installation and maintenance)

* GNU/Linux on PC  (particularly Gentoo and Ubuntu - installation and maintenance)

* NAS maintainance (specifically Synology and Qnap)

* Audio quality (I have very sensitive ears)

* Electrogravitics (diagnostics, replacement, repair)

* Alien energy weaponry, specifically reptilian and combine (rifles, sabres, heavy artillery, assault craft - extremely dangerous and can be very noisy)

I am also extremely psychic, highly sensitive and experienced in the following areas:

* Radiation sensing

* Telepathy communication with both incarnated beings and discarnate beings

* Quick and very precise target location (entities, objects, buildings)

* High consciousness (ie ability to affect the physical environment)

I have very good relations with the following kind of entities:

* Reptilians (different kind of races, extremely dangerous but friendly, can shapeshift into anything and can scan ones mind)

* Saari empire

* Combine empire (my favorite, I have been an advisor myself)

* Qul Nesh empire (reminds of the Borg)

* Speiadeians (friendly sensitive entities in charge of the angelwing, the Angelwing is a very real vessel)

* Sumerians deities

* Greek deities

* Norse deities

* Egyptian deities

* Demonic entities

* Unclean spirits

* All the angelic ranks (specifically Chayot haKodesh, Ophanim, Hashmallim, Seraphim, Cherubim and Ishim)

* Fallen angels

* All goetia spirits

* Souls of incarnated beings

* Human factions in outer space

My other interests are:

* Console hardware - Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, PS5, Nintendo Wii, Nintendo DSi, 3DS, Nintendo Switch

* Blu-Ray Movies - Specifically The Exorcist, Alexander, Gladiator, X-Files: Fight the future, Stargate and Blade Runner 2049

* TV series - Battlestar Galactica, The X-Files, Stargate (SG1/Atlantis/Origins), Vikings and Supernatural

* PC gaming - Nexus the jupiter incident, Call of duty series, Battlefield series, Elder Scrolls: Oblivion, Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, GTA V, Half life series, Mass Effect series and Garrys Mod 

* Religion (Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Ancient greek religion, Ancient egyptian religion and Sumerian religion)

To the governments of this world / RV82

I have been trying to reach several world leaders as I have been subject to severe treason and none are replying. I have not deserved to be labeled as a mentally ill person and put on forced psychiatric care. I have strong kundalini awakening and this is something very sacred. This behaviour will result in the planet  deteriorating very quickly. This whole planet will end in a total catastrophe.

To the Combine empire from advisor0 / anticitizen1

I am in need of stronger combine presence uncamouflaged/transcendental here immediately. I am also in need of a good job, new residence, driver, teleport lost items to me, bonus and direct contact with my women. Contact Alfa Draconian high command for more info. Thank you very much for awesome work. We identified exogen breach to reverse antivirus insertion. However local containment field has been compromised due to remaining jamming and radiation. Use force to contain me. I am still receiving consciousness affecting drugs perhaps also intoxicating me, please investigate.  You have commended me to main advisir for great work on RV82 but I still request permanent off world assignment due to being severely offended and I know you will accept. Inserting override below due to local remaining jamming.


To the reptilians

Thank you for your massive work breaching Nova prospekt several times during my emergency. I need your help with contacting my women and moving the hell out of here. Thank you for upgrading my women biologically. I know they may still be in shock but I need them now more than ever. Thank you for keeping them safe. Thank you also for clearing out intruders who breached the perimeter during the USAP invasion. We need to start evacuating very soon.

To the Zeta Reticulans and the Qul Nesh

Thank you for awesome work with eliminating USAP personel and vessels. You showed some great firepower. If possible I need support with the same above tasks I requested from the combine.

To the human colonies

I am ready for evacuation anytime. Thank you for showing support at Nova Prospekt. I look forward to see the colonial1 and the Battlestars.

To the angels and demons

You demons showed massive rage in revenge just how I liked it. And I love you beautiful angels. I long to see you again. I haven't seen you physically for several months. Please come back and visit me physically.

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